July 2011
The sustainable farming fund project of completing a biological survey of Rewanui is now complete. The results are available in the resources page of this website. The SFF has expressed satisfaction with the way the project was carried out and would welcome further applications from the Trimble foundation
October 2009
Harvesting of all mature trees on both Trimble and Rewanui is now complete. This the second crop to be harvested from the Trimble forest. The bulk of the proceeds have been invested for controlled use over the next 20 years when more trees will be available.
July 2008
The Foundation has been awarded a grant from the Sustainable Farming Fund to do a comprehensive survey of flora and fauna on Rewanui, together with the native tree trial already under way.
May 2008
A new building has been ercted on Rewanui to house a toilet and storage room.
August 2006
Most of the native timber tree trial trees have been planted on the Rewanui Mangapakeha block. The trial consists of eleven species of trees planted in blocks of fifty. Growth will be monitored and recorded in conjunction with the Tane Tree Trust.
June 2006
Decision made to commence harvesting the mature forest on Trimble. Harvesting will continue over the winter months when access to other Wairarapa forests is difficult and cease over summer. The marketing will managed by the forest manager to give the best returns from local mills.
The Foundation membership is up to full strength with the appointment of Andrew Pottinger as the Guardian Trusts trustee.
April 2006
Public access to Rewanui has been achieved with the provision of marked walking tracks. Sign structures have been erected at the car park and the foot of the Mt Clyde Valley.
May 2005
Forest and Woodlot Consultants (NZ) Ltd. have been appointed as forest auditors for the Foundation and a survey of existing forests carried out.
April 2005
The Trimble Forest at Mt Bruce has been officially transferred to the foundation. A new fence has been built to isolate the deep gorge on the western side of the twin flats area.
20th December 2004
Two 20,000 litre water tanks installed to insure a good and independant supply for the house and stock troughs.
15th October 2004
The 1300 metre fence protecting the middle section of bush on Rewanui completed.
9th October 2004
The local body elections resulted in some changes to the membership of the Foundation. The four elected members are now Judith Callaghan, Elizabeth Waddington, Mike Wyeth and Ian Campbell.
September 2004
The foundation purchased Rewanui from the Masterton District Council for the sum $1,500,000. Work started on fencing off the central bush area.
24th June 2004
A public meeting was called to get public input as to how the foundation should proceed particularly in regard to Rewanui. There was strong public support for the purchase of Rewanui and the protection of the remaining areas of native bush
April 2004
The foundation came into being with the appointment by the Masterton District Council of Jim Weston, John Kirby, Michael Wyeth and Ian Campbell as members to serve until the 2004 local body elections. Rod McKenzie and Dermot Payton were appointed as MDC representatives and Richard Hall as the Guardian Trust nominee. Richard Hall was elected as chair and Jim Weston Deputy chair.